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crisis plan

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Hurricane 2024: Predictions and Preparations

Experts predict that the 2024 hurricane season will be one of the most active seasons in recent history. For event venue managers and safety...

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Preventing and Responding to Sex Trafficking at Venues and Events

Since the introduction of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000, public discourse around human trafficking, including sex...

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1 min read

5 Key Features of Joffe's Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit for Venue Operators

At Joffe, we understand the critical importance of ensuring safety and security in event venues. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our Workplace...

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2 min read

Are Your Teams Ready to Respond to Spring Weather? How to Get Started

Spring weather brings a mix of challenges for event venues, from sudden rainstorms and high winds to the potential for more severe conditions like...

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2 min read

The Power of Words: Crafting Effective Crisis Communications in Event Venues

Imagine there's a weather emergency and you need to calmly guide thousands of guests to safety. Or an accident occurs that requires immediate...

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hurricane Event Safety Emergency Plan

3 min read

6 Types of Weather to Think About During Event Risk Assessment

When outdoor events are upset by extreme weather, safety and preparedness are key. Trail races, outdoor festivals, and obstacle courses can have...

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