1 min read

Safety Committees and Advanced Planning Toolkit

As we eagerly approach the upcoming school year, Joffe Academy is proud to introduce our new Safety Committees and Advanced Planning Toolkit. This comprehensive toolkit has been carefully designed to reinforce the efforts of school safety committees, all in pursuit of creating a secure and nurturing learning environment for everyone involved – students, staff, and the entire school community.

Contained within this toolkit are eight valuable resources, each tailored to support the development and enhancement of safety measures:

  1. Safety Committees Op-Ed: Serving as a platform for diverse perspectives, this piece, authored by a Joffe consultant, highlights the importance of a proficient safety committee. We emphasize the committee's role in managing complex programs, leading educational efforts, identifying risks, and implementing effective strategies to mitigate them.
  2. Formation Guiding Questions: Not sure where to begin when forming a safety committee? We created guiding questions to aid in the formation and direction of the safety committee's initiatives.
  3. Scope and Membership Guidelines: We believe the scope and membership guidelines are pivotal in ensuring the School Safety Committee's effectiveness and alignment with its purpose. The scope directs the committee's efforts toward its intended goals, while the membership guidelines outline the qualifications needed for committee participation.
  4. Expectations and Work Products: We define the anticipated outcomes and the items needed to accomplish those outcomes of the safety committee's efforts.
  5. Sample Annual Safety Commitee CalenderA proactive scheduling tool that addresses safety concerns and emergency preparedness within the school community. This calendar helps plan dates and details for safety-related assessments.
  6. Sample Meeting Agenda: We mapped out a blueprint for guiding School Safety Committee meetings. The agenda ensures that crucial safety topics, such as safety assessments, are thoroughly discussed, conclusions are reached, and actionable steps are identified.
  7. Annual Calendar of Emergency Preparedness Activities: We developed this proactive tool to create a planned sequence of actions and initiatives that are intended to strengthen our school community's capability to handle and respond to emergencies in an effective manner. The calendar outlines various training, drills, and procedures throughout the school year, ensuring a well-coordinated and efficient response during unforeseen crises.
  8. School Safety and Security Survey for Families: Crafted with School Safety Committees in mind, we intend for this survey to help assess concerns and collect vital information regarding school safety and security. The data you acquire through this survey plays a significant role in shaping and directing the committee's efforts, offering an extra vantage point on the safety hurdles within your community.


For more information about the Safety Committees and Advanced Planning Toolkit, please visit Joffe Academy.

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