Read Our School Safety Services Blog


1 min read

Transforming School Health, Safety & Security: The Joffe Approach

Creating a safe and nurturing learning environment has always been a priority for schools. With a holistic view of school safety, Joffe Emergency...

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2 min read

Preparing Schools for an Active Hurricane Season: Expert Insights and Essential Strategies

As meteorologists predict an exceptionally active hurricane season in 2024, schools must prioritize preparedness to ensure the safety and continuity...

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3 min read

Top 10 Safety Considerations for Summer School Programming

As summer approaches, many schools prepare to welcome students for summer school, camps, and other enrichment programs. While these programs offer...

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2 min read

Strengthening School Safety: Lessons from A Recent Thwarted Attack

In mid-April, an 18-year-old Maryland student was arrested and charged with threatening mass violence at a school after authorities were informed of...

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2 min read

Strengthening School Safety: Lessons Learned from Cybersecurity Research

In a recent discovery by Campus Safety Magazine, a cybersecurity researcher unearthed a disconcerting reality: school shooting emergency plans were...

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7 min read

Uvalde Takeaways

On May 24, 2022, a horrific event unfolded at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, shattering the lives of families and communities forever. An...

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3 min read

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly: a Response to the Alaska Airlines Video

During Alaska Airlines Flight 1282's departure from Portland, Oregon on January 5th, a plane door's plug unexpectedly disconnected as the aircraft...

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2 min read

Best Practices for Earthquake Safety in Schools - At-A-Glance

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), there were more than 1600 earthquakes of a 5.0 or higher magnitude in 2019, resulting in...

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3 min read

What this Year May Bring: Five Things We Expect in 2023

2022 is officially a wrap! As we look ahead to the 2023 calendar year, lessons and trends from the past 12 months can shed light on what may be in...

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Joffe team aides in the St. Louis school shooting response

2 min read

What we learned in St. Louis: Supporting another local campus through the CVPA high school shooting

Our team was recently on the ground in St. Louis, MO when a former student opened fire at a local high school — Central Visual and Performing Arts...

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