1 min read

Update on the TikTok School Challenge List

Since it began trending in mid-September 2021, the “TikTok Schools Challenge” has put educators and school staff on alert. The challenges provide monthly actions for students that typically involve dangerous, destructive, and at times illegal behavior.

In September and October 2021, challenges included stealing from and/or vandalizing school bathrooms, and hitting school staff. They have resulted in students being disciplined and even arrested, and many schools have taken precautionary measures to warn students and families about the consequences of these actions before they take place. (If your school has not yet communicated with families about this, here’s a template you can use.)  

Whether or not these challenges have been a challenge at your school, it is good to be prepared for what may come as the school year progresses. While things may shift throughout the year, a list of challenges for the 2021-22 school year has been circulating on TikTok and Twitter. 

According to HITC, the list includes:

  • September: Vandalize school bathrooms
  • October: Smack a staff member
  • November: Kiss your friend’s girlfriend at school
  • December: “Deck the halls and show your b***” (show your private parts)
  • January: Jab a breast
  • February: Mess up school signs
  • March: Make a mess in the courtyard or cafeteria
  • April: “Grab some eggz” (another stealing challenge)
  • May: Ditch day
  • June: Flip off in the front office
  • July: Spray a neighbour’s fence

We recommend monitoring TikTok and other social media for these events and other school challenges so you can be prepared to address any issues that might arise. For a list of Slang language, you may want to maintain awareness of, you can visit Bark’s updated Slang Meanings as one source! 

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