Read Our School Safety Services Blog


1 min read

Transforming School Health, Safety & Security: The Joffe Approach

Creating a safe and nurturing learning environment has always been a priority for schools. With a holistic view of school safety, Joffe Emergency...

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3 min read

What this Year May Bring: Five Things We Expect in 2023

2022 is officially a wrap! As we look ahead to the 2023 calendar year, lessons and trends from the past 12 months can shed light on what may be in...

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1 min read

The Tripledemic: How to prepare and prevent infection in 2023

The term “tripledemic” recently became part of our vocabulary. Why? Because the winter of 2023 is anticipated to bring a triple threat to public...

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Dr. Jasmin Whitfield, Director of School Health Services

3 min read

The state of school health: A conversation with Dr. Jasmin Whitfield

Dr. Jasmin Whitfield joined the Joffe team in July as our Director of School Health Services. Her 20 years of experience in health has prepared her...

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4 min read

Monkeypox: What to Know and How to Mitigate your Community’s Risk

Over the past few weeks, the monkeypox virus has been spreading quickly, prompting a recent wave of public health emergency declarations at the...

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2 min read

What to know about CDC’s new mask guidance

Last Friday, CDC issued new mask guidance that revises the criteria by which communities - including schools - should consider wearing masks. The...

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Epi-Pens for Schools

2 min read

At A Glance: Epi-Pens & Allergic Reactions

What are Allergic Reactions? As defined by the Mayo Clinic, an allergy is “when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance...or a food that...

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3 min read

Strategies To Handle Socializing For Children During the Pandemic

One of the challenges that parents have shared about the continued pandemic is the issue of how to maintain proper relationships and socialization...

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2 min read

Halloween: Trick-or-Treating Safety During COVID 19

Having reached a point in the year where many large holidays are quickly looming on the horizon, questions have begun to arise about the best...

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