Read Our School Safety Services Blog


2 min read

Strengthening School Safety: Lessons from A Recent Thwarted Attack

In mid-April, an 18-year-old Maryland student was arrested and charged with threatening mass violence at a school after authorities were informed of...

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2 min read

Strengthening School Safety: Lessons Learned from Cybersecurity Research

In a recent discovery by Campus Safety Magazine, a cybersecurity researcher unearthed a disconcerting reality: school shooting emergency plans were...

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3 min read

What this Year May Bring: Five Things We Expect in 2023

2022 is officially a wrap! As we look ahead to the 2023 calendar year, lessons and trends from the past 12 months can shed light on what may be in...

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2 min read

School Cybersecurity - Short and Long Term Steps to Protect your Community

In recent years, cyberattacks have been getting both more frequent and more sophisticated. From Aug. 14 to Sept. 12, 2021, educational organizations...

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