Read Our School Safety Services Blog


2 min read

Strengthening School Safety: Lessons from A Recent Thwarted Attack

In mid-April, an 18-year-old Maryland student was arrested and charged with threatening mass violence at a school after authorities were informed of...

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2 min read

Strengthening School Safety: Lessons Learned from Cybersecurity Research

In a recent discovery by Campus Safety Magazine, a cybersecurity researcher unearthed a disconcerting reality: school shooting emergency plans were...

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7 min read

Uvalde Takeaways

On May 24, 2022, a horrific event unfolded at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, shattering the lives of families and communities forever. An...

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3 min read

What will it take to come back stronger and safer in 2022?

The calendar year is coming to a close, but we are far from the end of the road when it comes to student behavior challenges. While the winter break...

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School Lockdown Drills

6 min read

Emergency Preparedness: Lockdowns At-A-Glance

Lockdowns are scenarios in which campus is called to stop all movement on and off of campus because of a direct or nearby threat to staff and/or...

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4 min read

Elections: Preparing For The Unpredictable

In any given election year, October is a busy one. Election and candidate information dominate the news cycle. We are bombarded by positive and...

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3 min read

Joffe's Perspective on the Lockdown Drill Report

Every decision a school makes centers on this equation - is this what’s best for the community? Of course, it’s a complex world and these decisions...

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2 min read

Keeping Students Engaged During Emergency Preparedness Drills

Emergency drills have become a controversial or at least widely discussed topic in school safety for a myriad of reasons. If done purposelessly or...

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1 min read

Chris Joffe's Perspective on Reports Regarding Active Shooter Drills at Meadowlawn Elementary School In Indiana

As an expert in the field of school emergency preparedness, I must share the shame, disappointment, and frustration I felt after hearing how teachers...

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2 min read

Prioritizing School Safety: Talking about Lockdown Drills

Lockdown drills are a necessary part of any good school safety plan. Knowing what to do in an emergency (and having practiced it enough to be able to...

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