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Read Our School Safety Services Blog
communication (2)

3 min read
Strategies To Handle Socializing For Children During the Pandemic

One of the challenges that parents have shared about the continued pandemic is the issue of how to maintain proper relationships and socialization...

5 min read
Leadership Under Fire

Through the experience of supporting schools throughout the U.S. and now the world, Joffe has learned a thing or two about emergency management and...

2 min read
Impact of COVID 19 on Schools' Emergency Prep - Interview with Hope Kaye

We sat down this week with our Director of Emergency Management, Hope Kaye. Hope has been involved in emergency services for five years, having...

4 min read
Elections: Preparing For The Unpredictable
In any given election year, October is a busy one. Election and candidate information dominate the news cycle. We are bombarded by positive and...

4 min read
Elevating School Emergency Procedures with Visitor Management Systems

From our perspective, the most important goal or element in effective school safety protocols is knowing exactly who is on campus at any given time....

1 min read
Chris Joffe's Perspective on Reports Regarding Active Shooter Drills at Meadowlawn Elementary School In Indiana
As an expert in the field of school emergency preparedness, I must share the shame, disappointment, and frustration I felt after hearing how teachers...

2 min read
Prioritizing School Safety: Talking about Lockdown Drills

Lockdown drills are a necessary part of any good school safety plan. Knowing what to do in an emergency (and having practiced it enough to be able to...
2 min read
Hawaii's False Alarm: What Schools Can Learn
If you live in Hawaii, last weekend you experienced quite a scare… Maybe if you live anywhere. As many of you know there was a false alarm sent out...